CIPA Compliance
The Osceola Science School implements the Internet Safety Policies by filtering the internet content at three different levels, Administration, Teacher, and Student.
Each user has access to needed resources designed and approved with the participation of the technology department, Principal, CEO/Superintendent, and Board of Directors.
The online filtering is managed by our Sonicwall appliance and Internet safety software is periodically updated as need it.
The school updates the Appropriate Use Policy modifying, as appropriate following the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) guidelines and requirements, Internet filtering and policy requirements; Internet safety policies of the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act (NCIPA) regarding electronic messaging, disclosure of personal information of minors, and unlawful online activities; and the Protecting Children in the 21st Center Act, which adds an additional Internet Safety Policy requirement
The school policy is presented and discussed at the Board of Directors by the Technology Department yearly.
The last version of the internet safety policy was discussed and approved, under the new guidelines, by the School Governing Board on August 22, 2019.